I Have Been Diagnosed With Severe Osteoporosis High Risk For Fractures Though I've Been Pretty Lucky
Is Having An Xray Or Cat Scan Or Mri Bad For Your Bones
I have osteoporosis and disintegrating disk disease my t score is -3.5 I asked my nurse practitioner if she could order a xray on my back because I wanted to know if I had any spinal fractures she said that the radiation from the machines will wreck my bones even more has anyone ever been told this
I have degenerative disk disease also along with osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. The doctor said you cannot get an accurate reading of osteoporosis on the spine with a dexascan in my condition. It… read more
Calcium In Urine
I just got the result of my urine test and the calcium is high.
349 H
Reference Range: 10-320 mg/g creat
Reference Range: 20-275 mg/dL
The nurse in my endo's officecalled me and told me that my number is marginally elevated. Things will start to improve once I go on an osteoporosis medication. The calcium has nothing to help it get in the bone so it shows up in the urine. DOES THIS MAKE SENSE?
Not recently. If it's PTH then I had that checked a few years ago twice. Thanks.
I Am Feeling Lost And In Constant Pain
I was told after a bad break and surgery to my wrist and arm I was told I have austeoarthritus. After 2 years in and MRIS I have it in my knee and a torn miniscus which isn’t healing so surgery now,It has also spread to my other knee,ankles and fingers and shoulder,I’m in constant pain and can’t walk far and now use a mobility scooter.I am only 45 and my whole life has changed and I feel hopeless ,anyone been through similar or has any ideas on supplements as I’m dairy intolerant.i currently… read more
I know what you mean I just don’t understand what’s happened,last year I was working 13 shifts and I was I. A place u was finally happy after a very turbulent life and could see some sort of future… read more
Is It Possible To Control Osteoporosis With Diet And Exercise Without Taking A Prescription Of Fosamax?
Has anyone had success with taking Algaecal?
Yes very much after one yr moved from osteoporosis to osteopina
Good Days And Bad Days
Some mornings I get up and feel good, by good I mean I’m still aching but not all over. When it’s a bad day I literally ache from top to toe. I feel like I’m always saying oh I’m sore , I have an impingement in my shoulder and there is no let up whatsoever with the pain. Lately it has gone into the other side and now I’m in pain when I stretch my arm to pick anything up , my wrists ache my fingers ache. I keep active and it is painful but I persist because I’m frightened of seizing up. My left… read more
I use cider vinegar but didn’t know to do a foot soak. I’ll do that with the Epsom's salt. Thanks for sharing
Has Anyone Had Breathing Difficulties From Osteoporosis?
Lately I have had discomfort in my chest breathing. A check up form GP came back clear but I just wondered wether over time osteoporosis can cause the diaphragm ribs chest area to to impact breathing
I have bloating rib pain and take an inhaler
What Would Be The Best Medication To Take?
Im really not sure about taking Evinity injections. I have a leaking vein in my left leg, hx of Pulmonary Embolus (mother)
I have not be on any medication, my doctor wants to me to have injections, reading about any of the injections, it talks about using these when other medications have not worked. I also do not like what I see about side effects