My Spine Has Shrunk 5” Spinal Stenosis! I Have Swollen Abdomen And My Organs Are Crushed! Now In Wheelchair! Doctor Says Normal In Arthritis
I have lost 5" in height and find it difficult to breathe also, digestive problems and fractured 3 ribs in a bad fall in December, I have a lot of falls
How Does Osteoporosis Damage My Finger Nails? What Can I Do To Help With The Splitting And Cracking? Thank You.
Check your thyroid levels.
Do Compression Fractures Of The Vertebrae Really Heal?
I have been diagnosed with 2 compression fractures one of T7 and L4 over a year ago, T7 still causes me pain especially when I'm on my feet for extended periods of time and when I perform house cleaning jobs such as vacuuming and mopping floors. I work in retail so I have no alternative but to be on my feet for 7 to 8 hours a day. Everything I've read said they should heal within 6 to 8 weeks but I just dont that is my case. Any feed back is welcome!
Don’t sit for too long without getting up and moving about. Otherwise, I get too stiff to move! Rigor mortis.
Medication Side Affects.
been told I've got osteoporosis and my spine is high risk of fracture. I've been given a tablet to take once a week. But read that you can loose your teeth. Is this true has anyone lost there teeth taken the medication.
Does Osteoporosis Cause Depression Even If There Is Not Pain , Just Aches And Stiff Joints In The Morning
Not much . Good for you to keep moving
That is very important
I had reclast infusion last May of 2018 and I've had terrible pain in both elbows and wrists since! Initially I had the achiness post infusion for 48 hours! This is no normal and I refuse to have reclast again!!!
Hi Sage .Welcome to our group. Sorry for all yr issues with yr teeth. Not nice to have dentures letalone ones that don't fit properly..Hope u get some that fit u.Hope for better Luck.
Hi, Has Anyone Had Any Luck With "Bone Strength" By "New Chapter"?
I take it twice a day, 2 tablets each time
Ive been on forteo since Aug . Im in pain muscle and bone pain. Is there anyone else? I had a bone scan Jan it showed my spine was better but my hip was worse. I know that doesnt make sense .
I have been taking Forteo for several months. I have not had any noticeable side effects. I just hope that it's building bone for me.
Can Any One Explain Why I Can Dance For Two Hours Without Pain But Can’t Walk Or Shop For Long Without Back Pain.I Would Love To Know Why.
I was told to take vit D 5000 a day for Osteopenia (borderline Osteoporosis). Is it good to take
calcium also? Should I go to my regular doctor of a specialist.
thank you,
i'm really curious about Algae Cal too has anyone used it and seen the dramatic results they claim?