I Have Decided To Stop Taking Alendronate Because I Don’t Feel It Lives Up To It’s Hype. Is It Really Worthwhile To Take?
Have read that it has a low efficacy. Low percentage of usefulness.
You are right. That drug is only meant for short term use as it weakens the bone over time and causes bone fractures. There are a lot of things natural that strengthen bones. Bone broth is… read more
Why Do I Need To Log In Each Time I Want To Read Any Of Your Messages?
Having to check my passwords all the time because of being asked to log in is getting to be a hard work. Won't one time logging in is enough unless I log out? #NoOffensemeant
Have u asked site managers? Also in my attachment is email address for our support folks. London ♥️
Has Anyone Had Thumb Surgery?
I have a bad thumb on my right hand and it is so painful that I can not use it. I have had shots of corticosteroids with no relief. They say surgery is the only option but I live alone and have a dog to look after and no family to help out and can not efford 24 hr care as I am still paying off agency bill from fall that required 2 surgeries on my knee.
I just posted about my first injection experience today. I am so sorry to hear you are not getting relief. Good luck with your decision. Thinking of you with care.
Osteoporosis And Balance Issues
I’m 68 years old and was diagnosed with severe osteoporosis 4 years ago with four compression fractures in my spine. I’m willing to share my journey if anyone has any questions
In the meantime I’m wondering if anyone has experienced balance issues that causes them to fall. I have been to many doctors in an effort to treat the problem. They have all told me that the balance issues has nothing to do with my osteoporosis . I don’t believe that because I never had this before. I read something… read more
Thank you all for your input. I really appreciate you taking the time share your experiences with me
Is Anyone Having Issues With Osteo Medications And Jawbone Loss?
I am losing bone in my jaws and will lose my teeth. My Dentist advises against Prolia. I have stopped that after 2 years. Falling last year caused fx R wrist.
Healing was very successful. Ortho says that success is due to Coral Calcium and Vit D3 I take every day. I am 84 years old.
Does Anyone Else Have An Aching Ribcage?
Hi there Colleen, I am much better from all the problems earlier in the year
Will be flying to Hamilton this Friday afternoon, staying for 2 weeks and planning a trip up your way the 2nd weekend
… read more
I Will Be Having The First Shoulder Replacement Surgery On 4/1 ..I Am Scared Rigid .. Has Anyone Else Had This Surgery
I have rheumatoid, and osteo arthritis and osteoporosis , mainly painkillers have offered little help ,just to have constant pain eventually reduced a bit is something to look forward to ,but I am anxious
Also did my physical therapy, iced a lot, took my meds especially for PT so I can get thru this, now my shoulder is excellent. Praying for you
Could Someone Share What Helps Them With The Pain
Good advice
Heavy Lifting
Hi,i have a cleaning job which requires some heavy lifting,i have now started to have back pain,has anyone had to change there job for lighter work
Thank you for answer,i am going to get this checked out.
How Do I Stop My Involvement In The OsteoTeam
My health is such that I am too ill to participate in the OsteoTeam
Dear Debby, Yes I got over heart failure through prayer. Prayer should not be our last resort. Did you know that aged garlic extract will reduce dementia and even reverse Alzheimer's disease.