What Can I Take For Pain Relief?
I have a collapsed vertebrae and multiple compression fractures from a fall. Osteoporosis was then diagnosed. I have severe back pain ever since.
I have 4 cages in my lower back and originally found no relief from injections 🤔
Aching Feet 👣
Hi, I’m 55 years with osteoporosis due to anti cancer meds. I used to walk 10km before my feet would begin to ache however now I can’t even walk 1km before me feet ache unbearably. Anyone else experienced this? Anyone have a possible solution?
I also have osteo in my feet...i love swimming and snorkelling but when i wear flippers omg...I have orthotics which help slightly as I also do geocaching (requires lots of walking). But now I have… read more
Why Is It So Hard To Get The Medication Forteo. I Had To Go To Another Supplier
I feel like the only person with osteoporosis that takes daily injections. My regular supplier can’t get it till December 21st and I needed for December 8th, had to find another supplier. Also, I take codeine for pain re osteoarthritis and scoliosis. Can’t get it, on backorder. Like what’s going on? Never had trouble before, it’s only since December this is happening. I now go to the cannabis store.
Once your Doctor gets you on the program through the Government you are covered for 2 years free of charge. Thanks heavens as these injections are very costly.
Has Anyone Dealt With Lupus And Natural Treatment And Maintenance
If you can find a good homeopath in your area, you will be amazed at the results. I'm not sure where you are located, so can't help there. My sister has Lupus and that is the only thing that has… read more
Hi All, Wondering If Anyone Here Has A Good Link For Bone Health/osteo Recipes? Thank You!
I had hip surgery in July. Because I'm having hip pain I am on anti inflammatory and Tylenol. PT as well. I try to go without the meds as I worry about my body but I'm still working amd after a few days have to take them to remain able to do my work as a secretary. Anyone experience this and what are you doing if anything for a more positive approach? Also I'm so tired at the end of my workday any suggestions for a good vitamin? And shoes what is a good shoe? More than one question sorry
I had sore feet quite a lot until I purchased a pair of Homy-Peds they have helped with the soreness but not the dryness of my feet.
What Types Of Doctors Have Been Most Helpful In Deciding Treatment For Osteo?
My GP who referred me for a dexa scan I take alendronic acid once a week and Accrete D3 100mg once a day
What Types Of Doctors Have Been Most Helpful In Deciding Treatment For Osteo?
My Rheumatologist has been there for me.
Is It Normal To Be Tired All The Time With Osteoporosis?
When I do get enough energy to get things done, my back starts hurting. Just can't win!
Has Anyone Used Algacal Supplements?
I have a lot of leg pain at the moment through a few falls. I know this is very controversial but I take cbd gummies and use a cbd cream from a French company