I Will Be Going Off Prolia After 5 1/2 Yrs. And Will Start Taking Fosamax. I Should Having Started With Fosamax First. Any Comments?
I want to avoid meds as long as I can. Have been doing water walking.
Has Anyone Tried LiV (Low Intensity Vibration) Plates? Just Wondering If It Works....
What Can I Do To Help The Pain It's Awful In My Feet And Hips Taking Medication But Struggling At Work .
I'm in constant pain and it's getting me really down some days I can hardly walk because of it .xx
Yes, Turmeric is a blood thinner. Not a good recommendation for you. Take 2 Aleve.
What Can I Do To Help The Pain It's Awful In My Feet And Hips Taking Medication But Struggling At Work .
I've gotten steroid injections and they have made a big difference.
What Is Simplest Pain Management?
sitting for me is ok though my chair is raised have now got a stool if i am trying to cook things in kitchen to make it easier. It is the ongoing pain I struggle with.
Why If Osteoporosis Doesn't Cause Any Pain Why Do I Have Pain All Day Mainly Right Hip Leg Ankle And Lower Back ?
My question just needs an answer if anyone can help thank you
Fiona x
your back will hurt you with Osteroporsis
Does Anyone On This Site Use Forteo?
Pain cannot be from osteoporosis but from my arthritis. Is this true??
Thank you
12 Weeks After My Knee Replacement, My Knee Still Swells And Hurts As Much As It Did Before Surgery. Is This Normal? What Can I Do?
I have had both knees replaced and didn't have any issues, maybe ring or check with your surgeon or Dr.
Think I May Have Cracked A Rib, Should I See My Doctor?
Yes, l think you should.