Anyone Used Cervical Traction With Mild Osteoporosis?
My bone scan score the past few years average -2.4 and -2.5. My ortho doctor prescribed cervical traction for my bulging neck discs and for pain down my arm. Now I read traction is contraindicated foe people with osteoporosis. Anyone used traction with osteoporosis? Thank you
*******Cervical Traction is "NOT" advised as a course of treatment or procedure for MANY different conditions*********
As per a study done by Kisner and Colby, cervical traction is contraindicated… read more
What Specific Foods Do You Take To Help With Vitamin D?
I drink the orange juice with calcium and vitamin D and take 400mg of calcium citrate a day with D but want to start improving my eating habits now. I will be starting Tymlos within the next few weeks and want to get a head start and begin to fill my refrigerator and cupboards with more healthy options. Adding too much exercise will be more difficult so I am starting with water aerobics/exercise to get back in the habit of doing something regularly. I lost a lot of weight & this time without… read more
Well we have some of that in common! I too take Symbicort twice a day two puffs, I carry albuterol with me all the time if I start coughing I take it immediately and it really does help I can feel… read more
Horsetail Tea.
Anyone drink this tea? Heard it was good for osteoporosis
Pam can I asked what supplements you want ale for inflammation and osteoporosis?
How Soon Can You Have A Bone Density Test After The First One? Do I Need Another Blood Work?
Doctor prescribed once a week to take Alendronate Sodium. Been taking almost 3 months ,
Judy I should have known you were a Scorpio! And your birthday is November 1 how coincidental – my birthday is Halloween ( at least in the USA] October 31st!
Has anyone tried this? If so has it helped? Looking for something natural for my osteopenia.
Thank you
Than you
What Natural Treatment Are You Doing?
I am osteopenia the rheumatologist was me to do the reclast but the more I read about it the less I liked it. I have to have dental work done and the dentist I saw definitely did not recommend the reclast because of the jaw damage that it can cause. I would much rather treat this with natural foods vitamins supplements if there's anything that works.
Calcium And Vitamin D
How much Vit. D3 or calcium do I take? I am 76 and have osteoporosis- mid level. Do not take anything else for it. Thanks
There is a liquid calcium available thru amazon
Raloxifene Side Effects
I'm on Fosamax and my GP prescribes 13 pills for 3 months, but the pharmacist insists on only giving me 12. This seems petty, but it makes a difference of a month each year.
I'm just wondering if anyone else has questioned this? (NZ)
Can Fosamax Cause Swelling And Joint Pain
I have been on Fosamax 9 months. Last month I started getting a muscle pain in my leg. Then a few weeks later both knees are swollen and painful to stand
Yes Denise You are correct again.
We have to be our own medical advocates.
Most doctors are Ok but there a quite a few that are not.