Ribs Sit Inside Of Hips
Since my 5 endplate fractures my spine has shrunk and now my ribs sit inside my hips when I’m on my feet or sitting when I lay down I seem to stretch out a bit I have a small gap between them. It can cause discomfort, vacuuming is the worst ,it becomes quite painful. Is there any treatment for this does any one know. I would see older people with long legs and rather short bodies and hoped I would never end up like this never realising this is what caused it. I used to be 5ft 9 now I am 5ft… read more
Good morning Nellpd, just reading your post from 6 months ago, when you were saying about your itch, I have had an itchy scalp for a couple of yrs now and I’m just realising it maybe from the Prolia some days are worse than others.i have rubbed baby oil into my scalp sometimes it helps a bit but not much.when asked on here I would always say no I haven’t had any side effects but now I’m wondering, I go to the endocrinologist next month so I’ll be asking her. I’m hoping she’s as good as the one I had In Sydney.
I've also lost 5" of height. I'm so tired of the pain. Osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, degenerative disc, scoliosis and RA. Took Prolia for over 7 years and had two fractures on it.
Hi Bev
I hope to find out some answers when I go to the osteoporosis clinic on Wednesday.
I am sorry to hear you have so much discomfort.
My mom has lost a few inches in height. She has a rod in each femur due to fractures.
I pray I do not end up like her....
I read up about your HIP being misplaced etc etc :
Here's a comment at the website for this problem
My dr had never seen it before but he suggests it could be because I've lost height in each disc in my spine. I'm about 1 -2 " shorter than i used to be.
Make sure your not having the itch for other reasons get blood work done sometimes its the blood also change shampoo can be a little thing we change try to rule it out before the DR appointment they unusual ask all this crazy little things Get an allergy test done IE: my hands were almost a dark pink slight red I had to stop the hand lotion these just a few things to mention here like
" food for thought "Remember doctors are not god (only mine is ) hahaha
take care everyone
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Does Anyone Else Who Has Suffered Spinal Fractures Find Their Ribcage Digs In Around Their Waist.
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