Can A Developing Hump In Your Back Be Helped Without Surgery?
I have developed a hump due to a compression fracture in spine.. Can't lay flat on a hard surface.
I have developed curvature of the spine since having my fractures and also find it uncomfortable sitting back on hard chair. Unfortunately I have never been offered any help with this. If there was anything that could be done I also would be very interested.
My dr says rods and screws are the only fix. Scares me to death. I've been trying to strengthen my core and back muscles but can only get strong enough to straighten up for a short time . My body fights me all the way but my mind won't let me give in completly. I hate the look and I am so weak. So I take these nasty meds and will have surgery if I can get more mass in my bones.. Then hopefully get off the meds and continue with nutrition and excerise.
I was told that if our Core muscles are weak we will slouch. If we develop found some here strong Core muscles we will set up straighter. I found some here
I hope this helps.
Have a good day.
Sounds like my problem! Just started with Tymlos to strengthen bones!!
Hi Rita. I carry a small cushion with me everywhere I go. So many coffee shops and restaurants now seem to think hard metal seating is the in thing. I do try to hold myself as straight as possible but that becomes a strain very quickly. Wish I could find some tips to help the situation.
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