Does Anyone Have Weight Gain With Osteoporosis
I have gained a little but cant exercise due to having osteonecrosis in my ankle.
I have weight loss with my osteoporosis and 2 herniated disk. I am in nursing for 30 years and walking helps the bones.
I have gained a little, due to not being able to exercise as much as before the fracture. However I have lost 2’’ in height so look overweight I think!
I just lost 25 pounds when I retired in April. I hope this doesn't make me gain it back. I did join a gym and just did the treadmill at a medium pace for a mile. I haven't gone tha last 2 weeks because I have been having trouble staying level on my sugar levels. Last time there after lunch I dropped to a 38 glucose. Not good. Makes me fearful.
I have gained about 25 pounds since being diagnosed. I am in a lot of pain and don’t
Exercise a great deal.
What Bone Growth Therapy Has Less Side Effects For Heart Patients And Thigh Fractures.
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What Supplements Can I Take With My Osteoporosis?