Is Chiropractor Care Off-limits With Osteoporosis? Does Anyone Find Relief From Massage? Thanks!
My massage is relaxation massage for the most part and it really helps with the fibro. The chiro,is also very gentle; he knows my health issues and he has seen my bone density scans.
I say whatever makes us feel good do it hope all of u are having a good day
I see a Chiropractor once a month. They use gentle manipulation. I think it is helping.
Jane ANN,
MY ACUPUNCTURE gal said chiropractic is not good for Osteoporosis patients. She does combination of Myio Fascial Release with Acupuncture. Excellent pain relief!
I have regular visits to my Chiropractor , fortnightly , no problems at this stage .
Has Anyone Had Experience With Chiropractors To Help With Osteoporosis And Osteoarthritis Pain?… I Have Both
What Type Of Doctor Do You Go To For Osteoporosis? (after Diagnosed)
Has Anyone Been To A Chiropractor, My Neck Is So Bad