Does Anyone Have Any Experience With Vibration Machines As A Treatment For Their Osteoporosis?
What is bamboo silica, JulesAnn?
I use a tens machine quite often . It helps
I don't know much about it yet, but it appears there are 2 levels of vibration, mild and intense. The mild resembles a bathroom scale on which you stand while it sends gentle vibrations through your feet, legs, hips, and spine. Supposedly it helps to build bone and there have been some studies supporting it, some which did not. I haven't looked at the more intense yet. I was just curious if anyone could share their personal experience with vibration therapy. I'm desperately seeking treatment which does not involve the vile drugs with all the horrible side effects!
I've bought one as it was recommended it's not a vibration it rocks from side to side it is known for infusing the calcium back into your bones I tried it but need to only do one minute as that is like 10 minutes running it's good also started taking bamboo silica I will keep you posted x
Foods today are less the silica our bodies need but not getting in our diets it's great overall for the body especially bones teeth skin hair it also helps remove aluminium from your body
Has Anyone Used A Marodyne LIV Vibration Machine For Your Osteoporosis And Did It Help??
What Bone Growth Therapy Has Less Side Effects For Heart Patients And Thigh Fractures.
Has Anyone Used Algaecal To Help With Bone Density. I Donβt Want To Use The Side Effect Kind Tho Algae Cal Is Kinda Expensive Monthly