How Did You Choose Your Exercise Program, What Are You Doing, And How Often?
In addition to osteoporosis, I have severe OA in my hips, knees, and feet. This makes exercising challenging but I know I have to do it. Please share your exercise regemine with me - and I'm looking for a program I can do in my home. Thanks everyone!
Hi check out this great website. I go to gym but Margaret Martin whose a phydiotherapist has worked out a program for home. I bought the book and them you can access your program on line
I'm not doing it all as have gym but I plan to. Theres also free program she sends you if you provide your email. Its all here:
I go to the gym but not always. I bought DVDs by Leslie Sansone. She walks in place at home. I also saw a DVD where she does toning with the stretch band. Really good and you do it at home but I like her instructions the best.She is free on YouTube.
My surgeon suggested in-soles for my shoes.
I always try and walk in walking boots or shoes with a decent sole xxxxxxx
I very rearly walk on grass as it’s mostly uneven which triggers my back pain cccc
But rest when you have to and for as long as you have to.
Try tai chi. Low impact exercise- very relaxing. Great to help with balance.
Qi Gong, Anyone?
How Did You Choose Your Treatment?
Fosamax: What Have Your Experiences With This Drug Been? Positive Or Negative?