What Is The Most Absorbable Form Of Calcium?
Best calcium is in what we eat.
1}Google list of foods high in calcium
2} Look up optimum amount for your age
3}Choose your foods to add up to that amount.
Once you have your list, it's simple. Only use supplements when you don't have enough in your food. Too much calcium can be bad for arteries etc.
Do the same with Magnesium which is as important and often overlooked.
Add lots of green foods.
I make my own calcium sometimes. Clean, boil, dry, then grind organic eggshells. Sprinkle it in curries or whatever you choose. xx
Calcium citrate and calcium carbonate are made of limestock and rocks. Also, it can give your heart and artheries problems. Try Algaecal (natural calcium). I am being on it couple months, no side effects and my palpitations are gone!! I wish you luck!
According to Dr Norman at the world renowned Norman Parathyroid Clinic in Tampa , Citracal. You may need the one with D3 in it That is his favorite for absorbency for his patients who have osteoporosis.
My doctor recommend calcium citrate.
Tried to edit but site keeps taking me back to the top of the page! He recommended 1500mg daily, split into 3 doses. Our bodies can only absorb around 600mg of calcium at a time, so any more than that at once is just filtered out by our kidneys.
What Kind Of Calcium Supplements Are Most Absorbable ?
Gm My Osteo Friends I'm Scheduled For Injection For Prolia ON JAN 10 .THOSE TAKING IT DO YOU TAKE EXTRA CALCUIM Or The Reg.1200 Mg &800 IU D
What Is Best Calcium /bone Density Supplement That Won't Upset The Stomach? Most Have Magnesium That Causes Diahrea.