Does Prolia Help Strengthen Bones?
I have been on Fosamax for several years and it has not worked for me. I have decided to try Prolia injections and was wondering if it has been beneficial for anyone.
I had a bone density scan after taking two injections and my bones had improved so much that the tech. that did the scan eve commented on it.
I have been on Prolia since 2015 and have progressed from osteoporosis to osteopenia so am slowly but surely getting better. I can't say it's been a piece of cake. Side effects arethe bone pain in various places and I guess you could say it's a traveling pain. I am hoping to be able to discontinue Prolia after my last dose in September 2019. I understand the meaning of having a good day vs a bad day now that I'm almost 64. Never thought I'd be going through this. It's very debilitating and distracting but reading everyone's comments really helps because I know I'm not imagining all of this! Thank you to everyone who's contirbuted to this blog.
I will ask my dr when I get results from taking Prolia. She told me if my results were good prob not take anything anymore. We will see.. I go in March
I have heard that once you are on Prolia, you can't get off because your bones go back to where they were before you started
Would love to know if anyone knows if this is true
I've been on Prolia for about 3 years, the last bone scan showed that my bones stabilized, they are not getting worse. How long can I take this shot ... who knows. I'm 754 years old something is going to take me down. :)
What Type Of Doctor Do You Go To For Osteoporosis? (after Diagnosed)
Calcium And Vitamin D
What Is The Best Exercise To Improve Muscle Strength And Therefore Bone Strength?