Does Anyone Find Cbd Oil Helpfully For Pain?
Yes it does help a bit. I use the drops when pain is intolerable and it lowers the pain from 8-9/10 to about 5-6/10.
I have a sister that broke her femor In 3 places this past Christmas. She swears by cbd oil with no thc under her tongue twice a day works very well for her pain. She said it lasts about 6 hours.
I hope they legalize it soon, at least for medical problems. I'm fortunate to live in a state where it is legal, but it's still illegal under federal law. That get's complicated if you travel or work for the federal government.
THC is not legal in UK! I buy 5% CBD drops which you use under the tongue. I buy on the internet from a Uk company called CBDBrothers. It’s expensive so only use it (5-6 drops) when pain is really bad.
I took it for first time last night. It was like a miracle!!
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