Question About Bone Fragilty Clinic
I am newly fragilty fractures at this point. Can someone tell me what they do at as Bone Fragilty Clinic?
Swimming doesn't help as it is not weight bearing. I was also told riding a bike and yoga are unhelpful. Walking is very good, and if you can weightlifting. Go on to utube there are a number of weight beaing exercises you can do.
I'm just going to make an appointment and hope my insurance pays. If you Google it there are several places defined that way, but most of the info is on fracture recovery. My PCP recommended it because I really don't know what treatment plan to follow. Will give more info as I figure it out.
I really am interested in what you discover through this bone fragility clinic! Please share!
I have many serious fractures and breaks. My physician is referring me to KU Med to see an endocrinologist and determine what health plan I need. I will post when I meet with them.
Thank you. Those are wonderfil.
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