Hip Fractures
I went to get my bone density test. As I waited, I saw a skeletal poster on the wall. Out of curiosity, I asked exactly what breaks when a person breaks his/her hip. She pointed to the "neck" of the ball where it is inserted into the socket in the pelvis. I thought that it was a narrow and small piece of bone compared to the other bones on the skeleton on the poster. Later on in the day, I wonder......Does a person fall and the hip breaks OR the bone snapped causing the person to fall?
I have heard the same thing. Hip first then you fall.
For a few years I had a spot right below my neck that was numb. Then later I started having pains in my shoulders that ran down my arms. Sleeping was terrible because I like to sleep on my side but it would wake me up and I could barely put my arms back down. X-ray showed degeneration in the discs of my neck. Then I started having pain so bad in my hips that it woke me up at night. I had a bone density scan which showed osteoporosis in my left hip, and the right is on its way. I have pain in my lower back that runs down my legs. It is miserable. I am on a weekly pill (alendronate) calcium, and vitamin D which don’t help. After using osteoporosis herbal remedy I purchased from (Best Health Herbal Centre) for eight weeks, all my symptoms declined. No more lower back pain and left hip pain. The doctor said my spine looks good. Presently am having a good night’s sleep. For more info visit ww w besthealthherbalcentre com .
I fell and cracked my hip. Had it replaced. Had a steel rod put in too. I still can't lay on it. That was 1 1/2 yrs ago.
Hi Betty l was told that yr hip breaks fist whether that happens all the time o not lm not sure ..either
I am taking the same medication and supplements as you
Do you mind telling me what osteoporosis herbal remedy you are taking
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