Can Any One Explain Why I Can Dance For Two Hours Without Pain But Can’t Walk Or Shop For Long Without Back Pain.I Would Love To Know Why.
When we dance and exercise aerobically, we produce endorphins which are our natural pain killers. My friends cannot understand how I can hobble bent over to the dance floor, straighten myself up, dance like there's nothing wrong and then hobble back. Also with partner dancing, I love modern jive, you're supported and protected in a way by your partner. Simple human touch has magic powers too, as does music. As Len would say, "keeeep dancing" xx
Dancing is great exercise. Bet you do t feel pain because dancing makes you happy!
I go dancing twice a week.Feel great whilst dancing but my muscles just don’t relax afterwards and I have a restless, aches and pains night if I don’t take painkillers. Maybe dancing is with aches and pains because something in our brain says we are happy and enjoying it and surprises the aches. Our brains are so powerful!
You are right. I dance usually three times a week and don’t feel any pain.I am sure that if I didn’t do anything else I would be fine.Usually twenty dances at a time because it is sitting on the hard chairs that causes pain.
Possibly you are using different muscles. May be that you are not carrying anything.
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