Has anyone stopped having prolia needle after only one?
Despite having dental clearance I had needle 4 mths after 2 teeth extractions. My bite still feels strange and gum on that side of mouth sensitive! I had dentist check again and said all ok with teeth. The remaining tooth I want to save is still a little loose.
I’m nervous having another injection due in June!
I stopped Prolia after one injection. I put off having Prolia for months after reading up on it but Dr insisted that I needed something as my bones are very fragile. Had all the dental checks and cleaning before given the all clear to have Prolia. Two weeks after the injection I came out in scalding red rash all over,chest palpations, aching bones and muscles,inflammation in my finger joints, headaches, hot and cold sweats generally feeling like I had been hit by bus. This lasted 3-4months. Dr ran lots of test and in the end he concluded that it was the injection and not to have any more. Should have had 2nd Prolia in October 18 I am now worried by the reports of spontaneous fractures after stopping Prolia. So now I just take vitamins and supplements and hope density hasn't decreased.
I think I've had 5 Prolia injections so far , was concerned back awhile as I had an abcess on top gum due to a tooth that was dead , very high risk having a tooth extracted when having Prolia injections due to bone infection , however I took the risk & had the tooth out & was very lucky all good .
Roz as it is a risk we can only make these decisions for ourselves .
As my last Bone Density test showed improvement ,I'm going to stay with it .
MaryBeth Tucker
That is what dentist told me. GP requested I get clearance from dentist first.
I still have concerns with teeth so booked to see a periodontist for second opinion!