Medication Side Affects.
been told I've got osteoporosis and my spine is high risk of fracture. I've been given a tablet to take once a week. But read that you can loose your teeth. Is this true has anyone lost there teeth taken the medication.
My Mother had a problem taking fosamax - felt sick and had complications with teeth. She stopped and only took calcium and vit D. She was diagnosed after an accident resulting in fractured hip ( operation done twice as her bone was mush) She made 100% recovery at 83. Interesting she had no further medication or tests and despite falls no more fractures. Lived till 97. So everyone is different!
I took that medication for 10 years. A couple of years ago, I did have to have a tooth extracted. Not sure if it was related to the drug. Regardless, I do not feel I got enough benefit from fosamax to take it again. Trying to stick to calcium, vitamin D and magnesium. Also, I try to walk 2 to 3 miles a day.
Biphosphates can cause bone death. I was started on Fosomax daily. Had a tooth get infected went to the dentist to have it pulled. Dentist refused to pull the tooth until I signed a waiver stating I would not sue if he broke my jaw and the jaw bone died. We had a resident in a Nursing home shortly after that, that suffered from it. I quit taking it and I'm not sorry that I did.
I was on tablets about 17 years ago....I had to take one tablet a day for 7 days and then a calcium tablet for 21 days...This tablet caused my jaw to have issues and all my teeth started breaking , the enamel broke away leaving a soft center...I have tried 3 different meds for osteoporosis but sadly all gave me very bad reactions....Now I just take Vit D. as I fear taking any meds doctors say are going to help me.are just going to cause me more pain or other adverse conditions.
Side Affects?? Anyone With Out Side Affects From Alendronate?
Diagnosed With Osteoporosis
I Have Experience Side Effects From Prolia Muscle/joint Pain Arms/legs.Is There Another Medication That Does Not Cause These Side Effects?