Has Anyone Being Taken Prolea Injections For More Than 5 Yeard
Reason why I ask this question is on account of fact that my doctor has put me on it for last year. I have decided to discontinue taking it. Am I right?
I took it for my first two years after a diagnosis of osteoporosis. I felt great and hated to go off of it. My endocrinologist said I could have it again later, but she would t keep me on it. I now take Fosomax
And am
Having many more issues. I do t know if it’s coincidence or lack of Prolia.
Yes! I take a plant based calcium by Garden of Life, which has D3, K2 and a small amount of magnesium included. Plant based is important to avoid the calcium from settling in your soft tissue, including the heart. Other calcium is made from ground rocks. Yuck. I take additional magnesium, and eat 2 or 3 prunes a day. The prunes are very high in Boron, which is also needed to absorb calcium, and it has the added bonus of preventing constipation from the calcium. I try to buy only organic everything, including the prunes, but they are hard to find. If u can’t find organic, buy Sunsweet D’Noir - they are the only ones I find with no preservatives. I believe our food should be our medicine. No pharmaceutical poisons for me. I’ve also started doing weight bearing exercises.
I took Prolia shots every 6 no for 7 years. My Dr took me off because bone increase was fabulous. Within six months 4 vertebra collasped. Terrible pain. Still no answers. I wanted to go back on. Rheumatologist said NO.
I did not have any side effect. My sister took prolea for 3 years and had at that time 14% improvement. She then went off it for a year and 3 months and lost 11 of the 14% improvement. Which overall over 4 years she had 3% improvement. Her calcium chew tabs may have been the reason for the 3%" improvement.
What side effects did you have
I Take Prolia Injection Twice A Year. Anyone Else Take This Shot And If So How Do Youn Like It?
Has Anyone Taken Prolia? If So Did You Experience Any Side Affects?
Have Any One Had A Reaction To Prolia Injection