Any Advice On Having Surgery For Vertebrae Compression Fractures?
I am some what frustrated and cannot fathom living like this another 40 yrs of continuous back pain, if I should live that long. I am asking this because I cannot take pain meds of any sort. My daughters have told me to get CBD oil to help relax and sleep at night. I refused to take Forsamax after doing some research it also doesn’t seem to be the right treatment for me.
Acid Reflux
I go to an acupuncturist for my back as well as walk daily. Both seem to help. The acupuncture is keeping my knees in shape, too. I wish I were in a state that mandates insurance coverage for acupuncture:)
Most pain meds don’t work for back pain. I have had three compression fractures in the thoracic spine. Walking helped me a lot and gentle stretching. Some massage also helped. Just be very conscious of how you sit and sleep. Laying with pillows under lower legs flattening back can also help. I have lived with back pain most of my life due to trapped nerves, bulging discs, scoliosis and the last seven years compression fractures. Best of luck I hope you find something that helps.
I’m the same as regards pain meds! I do use CBD oil when pain is very bad, but it is expensive here.
How long ago were your fractures? When I had Vertebroplasty it didn’t help with pain as it was too long after the T12 fracture - eight months!
I also do meditation and mindfulness and Qi Gong exercises which help with pain.
I try to strengthen my back by having hydrotherapy with a physiotherapist in a lovely warm pool.
Hi Evelyn l go to a bulk billing acupuncturist see if there is one advailable kind regards sandi
Has Anyone Experienced Vertebral Fractures And Scoliosis?
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