Is It Normal, With Osteoporosis, To Feel Pain In Groin And Wrist?
We do gather together - on this site. We're all making the best of a difficult situation, sharing our knowledge and our hearts. It's a beautiful thing.
My sleep solution took a long time to put into effect, but I sleep like a rock now. I used to be a VERY restless sleeper (Hubby said I turned the bed into a rat's nest every night). And, every restless turn made my pain worse. So, I started sleeping in a recliner. You can't flip around in one of those, and I learned to be a still sleeper. Then, we bought an adjustable bed (cue angels singing) and adjust it into a similar angle to the recliner. And, I sleep like a rock!
Have you tried side sleeping with a pillow between your legs and knees pulled up in to a right angle
StevieRae, you can move the bed top and bottom to get in the position that is comfortable for you. For me, it was a game changer.
Do you think you should ck your hips? That was my complaint and I was bone on bone in both hips. Just sayin"!
Hi Has Anyone Experienced A Weakening Of Hand Strength? I Am 66 And Have Had Osteoporosis Since I Turned 60 . Any Tips Very Welcome 🤗
Pain And Osteoporosis
Diagnosed With Osteoporosis