Has Anyone Had Breathing Difficulties From Osteoporosis?
Lately I have had discomfort in my chest breathing. A check up form GP came back clear but I just wondered wether over time osteoporosis can cause the diaphragm ribs chest area to to impact breathing
I have bloating rib pain and take an inhaler
I have the same thing I get rib pain on exertion and my chest feels strange and I feel very breathless this feeling goes under my arms too the consultant at the hospital said it’s all coming from my spine I get pain in one place and it can move to somewhere else within half hour does anyone else get this..I have to pace myself and can never make any plans and now it’s effecting my legs I panic about my legs but am having the injection in March hope it works with no side effects does anyone have problems with their legs.
I was wondering the same thing. Going to ask at my next doctors appt.
What Is Best To Take For Osteopenia?
Pain And Osteoporosis
Has Anyone Had Severe Nerve Stabbing From T12 Osteoporosis Break Going All Round Ribcage.