Has Anyone Had Steroid Injections Or Arthritis In Shoulder And Does It Help
@A MyOsteoTeam Member
I have had several things done that involved injections and also had a procedure where they "Burned nerves" having to do with my cervical spine (done in 2 sessions, one for each side). I do NOT recommend that. It helped a little for a few months, but as the nerves grew back, the itching was so intense, I was miserable. In fact, I can't say that any of those procedures were worth the money, time, or trouble. But I can only speak for myself. Something might help you that hasn't helped me. People are different. And I have come to realize (for me) that all that I'm experiencing is simply part of the aging process. I'm 79 - my body has been through a lot in 79 years! I am definitely going to exercise, which I'm convinced is a logical thing to do, which actually does help they say. And I'm going to eat nourishing food - not the junk food that I like so much. And I'm going to take extra supplements, like Calcium, Magnesium, Vit. D & C and antioxidants...things proven to help. I'm going to meditate (although I often get so relaxed I fall asleep). And I'm going to do my best to stay positive. My spiritual beliefs also comfort me. : ) So that's my 2 cents worth in a nutshell. Wishing you the best of luck in whatever you decide to do. ~ Ann
It didn’t helped and ended with total replacement surgery of both shoulders, one at a time, which was the best decision I made. The recovery was awkward and painful which is expected but the pain is gone now.
I have had the shots in my thumbs and yes it does help.
I had one shot in my shoulder for narrowing that was keeping me from raising my arm. One and done, it did the job!! It's been 7 years and I never needed another. Too many cortisone shots aren't good.
I also had a cortisone shot in my shoulder, it worked for me, be careful not too many, as I read it destroys cartiledge.
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