I Have Osteopenia And The Doctor Wants Me To Start Me On Fosamax
I have Osteopenia and the doctor wants to start me on Fosamax.
Has anyone taken this and any side effects? Any improvements with this medication?
How long have you been on Fosamax?
Really thought I. Oils slow down my bone loss by supplements, vitamins, eating healthy and exercising, but my bone loss is increasing.
I agree, Terri gave great advice. Once you start Fosamax, it may raise your bone density, but it changes your new bone quality. I took Fosamax for 5 years and then it quit working. They were trying to push me into taking prolia, but after doing much research on it, I said NO. I started a weight bearing program at the gym and went 5 times a week, and my dexa scan got better in 6 months. I had 4 dexa scans in a 2 year period because I wanted to make sure what I was doing was working. Most women get them every 2 years, but that was too long to wait for results, especially if what I was doing was NOT working. My insurance paid for all of them because my doctor wrote it up. I also go to get blood work every year to make sure I am in good "ranges". They check many things and also check my blood levels for: calcium, D3, and magnesium. If they are not in the "normal" range, then I make adjustments in my supplements with my doctor's advice. If you don't have enough calcium in your blood, your body will leech it from your bones. And D3 and magnesium help your body absorb the calcium better. Taking too much of these supplements is bad for your body, just like not taking enough. Diet is a big thing too. Many things are bad for osteoporosis like: Soda, Salt, and Caffeine. Processed foods are bad for us. Fast Food is BAD for us. Anything with "high fructose corn syrup" and "saturated fats" is bad for us. Bottled fruit juices that are made from concentrate have no nutritional value and are high in sugar. We need to eat more fresh and healthy foods, and there are a lot of them to choose from.
I am getting off my soap box now. Go to WebMD or Mayoclinic or JohnHopkings to look up dependable information.
I wouldn’t take any drugs if I only had osteopenia. Exercise with weights if you can and take supplements like vitamin D3, calcium, magnesium and vitamin K2. Is it definitely just osteopenia did you have a bone scan? Also did this doctor run additional test to see why you have osteopenia?
I haven't lost any teeth, but the doctor told me several years ago, I had "severe bone loss" in my mouth, and he showed me on the x-rays. I told him that I wanted to die with "my" teeth in my mouth, and never have dentures, because I have know too many people that had problem dentures. He told me to get a water pick and use it every night and I have been doing that for 4 years. He told me to get a Sonic Care toothbrush and I did that too. He said to use only anticavity fluoride toothpaste. I also use bacteria killing mouthwash many times a day. He told me to floss every time after I eat, and I have done that also. You won't know how much food gets stuck between your teeth after you eat until you start flossing. Hope this helps someone.
I have been taking a Aledronic Acid with Caliciferol tablet (Fonat plus Caliciferol and Vitamin D) on Friday morning before food for over a year now and it’s helping my bone density. Hugs from Judyxx
please do your homework on this BEFORE you start taking any of these bone meds, many of them are bad for you and have serious side effects, and cause serious problems later on, and you can't just stop taking them once you start, or your bones will get worse very quickly. Try websites and WebMD, mayoclinic, johnhopkins.
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