I Have Been Given An RX Of Alendronate 70 Mg Tab (generic For Fosamax)
This would be my first time taking this medicine (once a week tablet) along with Calcium Citrate (1200mg) and Vitamin D3 (1000mg). The latter to be taken daily. Is anyone in this group taking this RX. I have read the side effects, but am more interested in knowing about those who have experienced this medicine before I begin its course.
Thank You so much!
Hi - yep my GP put me on the same generic, 70 mg weekly. I've always had low blood pressure and it raised my BP by 30-40 points. GP assured me that was not stroke territory, but hey -- I bet if his BP went up that much he'd be concerned a little more! So I bought a home BP machine and took my BP for a few days, still high. So I took myself off it, and within a day or two BP back to normal. This does not mean it will happen to you, but I have lupus and weird things happen to us. Anyway, I talked to the pharmacist and found that there is a halo dose, 35 mg per week. So my GP was willing to prescribe that, and I've been on it over a year now. Won't know for another year if it fixed things, sadly. I mention this because (maybe) due to low grade lupus, I have always over reacted to medicine. Meds that others hardly feel will knock me out! Oh, and I do take 1200 mg of calcium and a vitamin D capsule daily too, per my GPs directions.
I have been taking Alendronate 70 mg weekly for over a year now and have had no side effects at all. Now due for a bone density scan, hopefully it will show some improvement.
I got leg cramps from it. Switched to risendronate and so far so good
Thank you for your feedback. I hope for all of us taking this course of RX will be beneficial in the long run.
I thank you very much. I was pointing out to the pharmacist that I was worried about cardio vascular problems as historically I have had TIAs . I didn’t any malabsorption into vascular walls.
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