Have Any Of You Had Breathing Problems After Getting Your Prolia Shot?
This summer I was in good health. In august I had the Prolia shot. In September I began having breathing problems. An X-ray and Scan show that my lungs are fine and my heart is not enlarged. The breathing is getting worse. I noticed on their literature that this is one of the side effects. Thanks for your thoughts.
I'm seeing the doctor tomorrow too because I'm due for my second shot of Prolia. I've good and things and bad. I don't want to keep taking it.
I've had a Prolia shot 6 months ago. I'm due for my next one. After doing research I would prefer not to have it. I see my doctor next week to talk about it.
Hi Lilli-
I actually went to a cardiologist today. He detected a murmur in my heart. So I am going to go in for a stress test.
He says that he will know more after I have the test.
I get so tired- if I have to stand up for very long.
That is when I feel like I might pass out. It is harder to breathe then.
I pray that you are doing ok.
Please, take care.
Oh wow! Yes , I am having so much trouble breathing.
I feel my heart beating so fast after I go upstairs.
I feel so short of breath all of the time now.
I have not started taking any OP
In fact- this is one of the main reasons that I afraid to try anything- at this time.
Please, take care. Stay safe.
I see my Dr. tomorrow and I am not wanting to take the shot scheduled in February. What are your concerns, specifically.
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