Has Anyone Gone To A Funtional Doctor For Osteoporous
Hi Golfer, Yes I have had a phoned appointment with an Endocrinologist. After answering all her questions, She sent me a few pages of instructions to follow, one is physical activity or strengthening exercises ( I also see a physiotherapist, started at once a week, now at once a month and my pain is much less) Also some instructions as to what to eat, foods with lots of calcium instead of taking calcium supplements, and to take vitamin D which also helps .
You can contact 'Osteoporosis Canada' on your computer and get a lot of information there. Hope this helps a little bit and that you are not in severe pain. Take care and be well.
I take D3
Which vitamin D do you take prescription D2 or D3? I take both myself.
I haven’t, I just found out, I need somewhere to go
What Is Best To Take For Osteopenia?
For Fellow Canadians Only: To Whom Do You Go To For Comprehensive Medical Advice With Your Osteoporosis?