I Just Finished Evinity For 1 Year. Is There Anything Newer Now
I haven’t heard about it if there is. Of all the pharmaceuticals, I might consider Evenity after being sure my heart health is okay. I feel like COVID has caused many of us not to keep current with our doctor visits. We’re the CEOs of our own healthcare. Doctors have good intentions, but we have to do our own research, IMO.
I am glad to hear you could take 1 year of Evenity. I have taken only 1st dose and felt some side effects, and am also concerned about heart health. But doctor said my osteoporosis is bad enough that Evenity is best course so thanks for letting us know you got through 1 year. Do you know if it helped the condition a lot?
Hi I Have A Question, Just Had Results From Dexa Scan, Bones Have Declined In All Areas They Suggest I Have Denosumab Every 6 Months.