Can Hypothyroidism Cause Osteoporosis?
I collapsed one day in town. I was taken to hospital where they did tests and found my thyroid was extremely low. I was getting the symptoms of being cold, depression, fatigue etc.. but just put it down to my age. I'm 56. This was approx 12 mths before my fractures and diagnosis of osteoporosis. I was wondering if this could have caused my osteoporosis. I suppose I will never know for sure 🤷‍♀️
When I was originally diagnosed with osteoporosis, many years ago in my 40’s I was told that it was caused by hyperthyroidism that went undiagnosed for a long time. Go to and get on her exercise program to protect bones and advice for how to NOT flex your spine. Best advice I have found - wish I knew about Margaret Martin before fracturing vertebrae’s.
I'm really not sure, I have had the same issues as you when they informed me of the same condition, I was about your age. Stay safe and strong, we can fight this together----Love Pat
No, it wouldn't cause it, you had all of the factors so stay hand and hand with your GP. I'll keep you in my prayers----Hugs Pat
HI I'm hypothyroid and never knew that Levothyroxine can cause bone loss, Hey Ho
I am on Levothyroxine for years and didn’t know about bone loss.
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