I am curious to see what area of practice a doctor should be in…to be knowledgeable with osteoporosis?
Right now I feel like I am an experiment for them!!!
Is there such a thing as an osteoporosis doctor? I don't think so. Doctors treat the best they know how but it's up to us to make the right decision . My bone Dr. is concerned about his wife who has osteopenia and he is concerned about what to do for her. Having cancer I have been on D and iron for years and other vitamins and feel pretty good. My knees are shot but keep going and I have very high hopes that the ALgaeCal I choose to take is going to help me like it has for my niece.
That is encouraging…I am doing the calcium and high dose of D…plus a multivitamin…along with the alendronate. I go in for tests in a month…hopefully that will tell us something…😊
Keep up the good work…I feel like I am an old person talking about the meds I am on….oh wait….I am!
I see an Endocrinologist along with my primary.
Have yet to speak to a Dr. that is familiar with osteoporosis and has an idea how to treat except for the regular run of the mill drugs with the side effects.
Isn't It Odd That Almost All The Doctors Are Ready To Handout Prescription Medications For Anything That Is Wrong With Us?
What Does You Doctor Recommend?
I Have Recently Had Another Bone Density Scan. They Say I Am Moderate Risk. Doctor Unable To Provide More Clarity. Any Feedback Appreciated.