When I Do Anything It Seems Like My Lower Back Hurts So Bad Is This Normal?
I've never had back problems, but now no matter what I do my lower back feels like it is about to break. It doesn't matter if I just stand or if I am on my knees planting flowers, washing dishes. By the time evening gets here I am in so much pain. Is this normal for having osteoporosis?
Another thing, how old is your mattress? My physiotherapist told me that many back problems stem from old mattresses or the need for orthotics in the shoes.
I went to the Dr. for the back pain and he sent me to physical therapy who explained to me the pain was coming from the muscles that now had to do more because with the osteoporosis the back needed more support . The PT worked with me over a course of weeks in strengthening muscles in my core and legs and it has really helped a lot! I continue to do the exercises (the PT is finished) and the pain continues to improve.
I have the same reaction to everything I do if I sit to long,stand by the sink or just plain making a bed. You must keep moving then it goes away a little. Have a happy holiday
.keep in touch Ronnie.
I do Pilates on a Reformer machine which strengthens my core and stretches my body. Excellent exercise for back pain in particular.
It really sucks and I'm really at a loss still. I just wish I had more stuff wrote down from that visit.
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My Consultant Says Osteoporosis Doesn't Hurt Isn't Painful Then Why Do I Have Pain.in My Ribs Lower Back Help