A Different Pain Have You Experienced It?
I was walking dog first thing in morning when I feel stiff & achey anyway. All of a sudden a wave of pain on left back side (OP in left hip - OA in lower back). Happened couple more times & last time felt it both sides of back/hip just below waist. I now describe as someone standing behind me, a hand on each hip area. Suddenly they push down as hard as possible & its painful, takes my breath away. My body goes down a little cause of wave of pain - then pain goes away. First couple times felt… read more
Hello London, yes I feel it could pay you to have a check up. 'Better to be sure than sorry'. Love and Blessings Joan xxx
I have similar pain…randomly. No prediction! If I am out in the yard it some place it is almost unbearable to get back to the house!
I tend to not drink enough water.. which makes things worse. I lay down and do some stretches and then lay with heat for awhile.
Sorry ….does not sound like fun.
Good morning London and 0353, I trust that things are starting to settle for you both and able to enjoy the festivities and joy of the season.
I have an early appointment for 3 monthly check then optician 12 10 pm fitting for new glasses.
A good drying day here today as we have at last got brilliant sunshine after days of heavy rain and drizzle.
Cheers for now Love Joan xxx
London, I have not had pain that severe! It's been bad but never reached that point. I agree with the folks that said you should have it checked out. Let us know the outcome, please.
I have had Sciatica pain and lumbar spine area inflamation on the Sciatic nerve and two pain injections in my right side above my hip at the pain clinic as initially I was getting Sciatic pain radiating from my right hip down my leg and suddenly my leg felt like it was going to give out to hold me up and it’s been a lot better since the pain medication injections in the radius of the muscle checked under the CT scanner
Hugs from Judyxx
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