Prols. Do I Have To Be Off Prolia To Olia
I have been getting prolia injection for two half years. Now I'm having problems with my teeth. and bone loss in jaw. My doctor said I have to wait till the end of my six months after my injection. The dentist wants me off for nine months. So stressful
Yes I can the problem is when I started prolia the doc never said anything about my teeth, I have changed osteoporosis doc since then. March is coming up so I have to decide what to do.. sad to say nightmares over all of this..
has anyone have problems with psoriasis being on prolia my hands are a mess two days ago it started on my face. thanks for any help
I was told buy my Osteoporosis doc that I'm to have dental work done at the end of my six month right before I'm to get my prolia shot And I have to wait three weeks after the dentist work. But the dentist said that I have to be off people for ten months Don't know who to believe
This is an important question for me too. I just had oral surgery and due for second injection in April. Is bone loss in jaw a given?
Hi I have the same problem I need to get work done in my mouth dentist said vdo not start treatment till you are done with teeth. Since ii did not start yet. Everything is a waiting game.who can remember where and when you need to go. My calendar is full even in it's crazy. Stay well keep safe Ronnie Hoffman
No That’s not me
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