Are You Optimistic?
Optimism is the belief that the world is essentially good. That the good of things over balances the pain and evil.
Yes, I was brought up to believe everything in the world was good....then the real world showed me otherwise...maybe it is due to tv, news, radio, etc...but I like to think that it will improve with time. It is up to each of us to make the best of everything and not let "stuff " get us down!
So would I..but I would need another appointment and drive through mountains laden with snow for about 2-3 hrs to get to a bone scanning place...but then the attendant who does the scans may not also know the reason! Ha! I will keep my mind on it anyway, as one day someone may be able to tell me!
Love to hear the reasoning behind this
In Canada I can only get a partial bone scan of left hip and sacral area. I do not understand why they won't do the other side!
Just Wondering What Exercise Is Effective For Osteoporosis ?
Has Anyone Had Severe Nerve Stabbing From T12 Osteoporosis Break Going All Round Ribcage.