Anyone Used Cervical Traction With Mild Osteoporosis?
My bone scan score the past few years average -2.4 and -2.5. My ortho doctor prescribed cervical traction for my bulging neck discs and for pain down my arm. Now I read traction is contraindicated foe people with osteoporosis. Anyone used traction with osteoporosis? Thank you
*******Cervical Traction is "NOT" advised as a course of treatment or procedure for MANY different conditions*********
As per a study done by Kisner and Colby, cervical traction is contraindicated (NOT advised as a course of treatment or procedure) in the presence of rheumatoid arthritis. This is because rheumatoid arthritis is an auto immune disease which causes weakening and damage of ligaments that support the cervical vertebrae. Any additional traction force can lead to spinal cord injury from dislocation of the cervical spine. It should be also noted that patients with advanced rheumatoid arthritis or any other connective tissue disease are at a higher risk of developing a condition called as atlantoaxial instability, if the patient is exposed to cervical traction.
***OTHER Contraindications ("NOT" advised as a course of treatment or procedure) of Cervical Traction, Includes but not Limited to:
Old age, Diskitis, Ligamentous instability, Clinical signs of myelopathy, Severe anxiety,
Uncontrolled hypertension, Presence of vertebral artery insufficiency (increased susceptibility to cerebrovascular complications), Midline herniated nucleus pulposus, Acute torticollis, Restrictive lung disease, Cervical hernia, Aortic aneurysm, Active peptic ulcer, Pregnancy, Osteomalacia, Systemic anti-coagulation treatment, Severe diabetes or atherosclerotic disease, Degenerative joint disease, Sponyloarthropathies, Congenital joint laxity, septic necrosis, Local aneurysm.
Conclusion - Cervical traction should NOT be considered as the main option of treatment for management of neck pain. It should rather be considered as an adjunct to the conventional treatment methods. It is considered safe as far as it does not worsen the existing condition and is used gradually within tolerable and comfortable stretch. Minor soreness and discomfort over the neck post traction is considered normal; however, anything beyond that is considered abnormal. ***Cervical traction is particularly contraindicated in the presence of conditions such as spinal fracture, unhealed fracture, fresh neck injury, malignancies or spinal tumors etc.***
It is advised to consult an experienced physician and a physical therapist for a clear diagnosis before considering these treatment options.
Pain And Osteoporosis
Type 1 Or Type 2 Osteoporsis?.
Diagnosed With Osteoporosis