Do U Have OP & Hypothyroid?
Did your dr tell u to have 4 hrs between calcium supplements & if you take iron or a couple other supplements, i can't remember right now
AND thyroid med. Cause those supplements will mess up thyroid med? And that thyroid med messes with our bones? I've been on t. med 25 yrs. I was told take it in a.m. then eat 30 mins later. Now read should b 45-60 min. I've been told nothing about the supplements interferring or that hypo leans toward depression by medical person. I read a post on this… read more
My thyroid level was normal, so I'm not on meds for it. I did find on the internet to only take calcium 500 mg at a time or it wouldn't all be absorbed. So I take calcium twice a day and separately from food calcium sources.
@A MyOsteoTeam Member
Just reread on
Milk has calcium in it. Should not have milk, cheese, yogurt until 4 hrs after thyroid med.
London 🧁
Thyroid med first in morning as soon as I get out of bed. I was waiting 30 minutes before my half caffeine coffee. Just read yesterday that caffeine can affect thyroid by 30%, so they say wait 1 hour on anything.
Good morning! I have been on thyroid meds for many years and now take it as soon as I wake up … I put my pill on my bedside table with water. I don’t always wait an hour before toast and coffee but usually at least 30 minutes. I then take my multi vitamins at lunch so as to be 4 hours after thyroid pill. I take my calcium supplement at bedtime. So confusing sometimes as to what works and what doesn’t. And… I like my doctor but didn’t learn of this from her but from my own research and info from this site. Dexascan in a month or two and my next prolia in a few days. Sure hope it’s working! All the best to you as we take this journey together! Ellen
Hi I take two calcium tablets in the morning along with my other meds then two with my evening meds also take two iron tablets am /pm as I have nose bleeds most days the calcium tablets do help 😀
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