Dose Anyone Know If We Can Have Only 10 Prolia Injections ?
I’ve had 12 injections over 6 years & my Rheumatologist told me to keep having them . He mentioned he knows of people being on them for 15 years . My readings have improved slightly . I’m not happy but to stop them you have to go on a relay drug which I’ve read can cause stomach issues .
My concern too Dubeay when I saw my specialist he said he hoped at the end of the 10 years there would be something better.
That is more likely 10 years , but what do we do next just end it
It's possible, but then why would he put you on that in the first place? Check to see if it's your doctor or insurance that will only do 10.
Why did you not want to take it Pam? I am taking it myself and seem to have little side effects
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