Has Anyone Had Pain In Their Tail Bone .....I Have Osteoporosis And Am Taking Prolia I Also Have Arthritis
Hello Margaret, I'm sorry for your pain... I'm also thinking it might be a slipped/injured disk, which can be caused by arthritis. My husband has been dealing with a bulging disk, in which x-rays showed arthritis (he does not have osteoporosis). Praying you get some medical answers; let us know how you're doing. Hugs.
Pain in your tail bone is not normally associated with arthritis. Have you had a fall or slipped and caught yourself and injured your tail bone?
@A MyOsteoTeam Member
Hi Margaret.
This is in re to pain in tailbone. Did U ever figure it out? I was pulled down my steps by my big dog & fell back hit edge concrete steps, damaged my tailbone years ago. I did google, got a bone/spine specialist. Yes u can get arthritis in ur tailbone. And there r few other things can cause pain including bone spurs. I still get sore if
I sit too long. Gotta get some lunch. Hugs London ♥️
Hi Margaret it could also be your Sacro iliac joint. After much investigating…..and lots of pain from sitting that is what I was diagnosed with
Thank you all for good info.....much appreciated
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