Evenity Was Suggested For My Severe Osteoporosis By My Endocrinologist. Can Anyone Tell Me How You Tolerated This Treatment?
Update:6th dose of Evenity. No side effects so far. My shots went up to $4,000.00 a month. Up $20.50. Like they are not expensive enough......already.
It is a shame my PCP didn't understand that. This is her fault and then when she figured out that she should have offered me alternative meds while I missed the dose of Prolia, she lied in my chart. Thank the Lord for Carol Mayfield at Allegheny Health Network's Osteoporosis and Fragility Fracture Clinic. I found her when I knew I needed somebody who understood this more. Even the doctor who did the surgery couldn't figure out how 8 fractures could happen to a person who did not have cancer. He did the kyphoplasty on the 3 lower fractures which did help with a lot of that lower pain which was the worst but I didn't dance out of the surgery like he led me to believe that maybe I could. So, I searched out of utter frustration and found Carol. She put me on the Evenity and was tremendously supportive. I am back on Prolia and still see her every six months for that. I won't be the same again because after 8 fractures and cement in 3 of them, how could I be but I'm doing the best I can and pray for total healing!
I did the full 12 months with no side effects that I know of, back on Prolia in April and get my second Prolia shot tomorrow. MIssing one dose of Prolia (that are taken every 6 months) made me have to take the Evenity because I suffered 8 spontaneous compression fractures.
Thank you for your history with both Evenity and Prolia. I understand that the Prolia can be dangerous if a dose is missed. It would be hard to take a monthly shot with Evenity but my osteoporosis is severe on top of two bulging discs in my lower back so I better turn this around quickly!
What Type Of Doctor Do You Go To For Osteoporosis? (after Diagnosed)
For Fellow Canadians Only: To Whom Do You Go To For Comprehensive Medical Advice With Your Osteoporosis?
Opinion Please. OP Rather Than MD. Dr Has Over 25 Yrs As Family Practitioner.Includes Member Of Osteoporosis Foundation. Possible New Dr?