How Is Your Nail Health?
About a year ago my nails became so brittle and had vertical cracks. Probably when my bone health started to deteriorate. Anyone have success with medicine for bones and nails?
Kendall Malloy Chicago, IL I find biotin, calcium, magnesium helped with my nails & hair. I tak Centrum as a Multi vitamin. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving. HUGS
Yes I know that ridged nails with ridges on them usually is a sign of iron deficiency and if your nails are not strong it usually is a sign you need more calcium and magnesium.
Hi everybody, I must have lost that message to me and only got a part of it but yes someone must have prayed for me as I am entirely different and will be going to church next Sunday for sure. God is working and that is so encouraging especially when you get into old age to see God is stil there.
I have added a collagen supplement 3 times weekly, alternating with saw grass palmetto. Seems to be helping a lot!
My nails are similar to what you mentioned ". I used a strength builder on my nails first, then. I put on three coats of polish and at last a sealer. It helps my nails from breaking.
Has Anyone Ever Tried Collagen X Peptide To Help With Osteoporosis? I'm Looking Into It If So, Which Ones? Thank You. Kendall Malloy
Calcium And Vitamin D
Love Message Collagen Peptides To My Menu Is Anyone Else Taking It And Have You Noticed Any Improvements?