What Can I Take For Pain Relief?
I have a collapsed vertebrae and multiple compression fractures from a fall. Osteoporosis was then diagnosed. I have severe back pain ever since.
I had about the same thing and only heavy pain meds worked. But, I am recovering. How long ago did this happen?
I have same, I take 1 Meptid ( meptazinol )topped up with 2 paracetamol 4 hourly & rest as much as possible.
Ro x
Have u seen your GP I take tramadol n use a hot waterbottle but I do get over the counter co_codomol the other one is hibuthan which I can't take because of asthma
I have 4 cages in my lower back and originally found no relief from injections 🤔
The first injection for pain was in the 90's.(neck) I was living in IL at the time. Then I had injections in my lower back while in VA. The we moved to TX and the Doctor I was seeing at the time said there was nothing there that could be hurting. Changed Doctors. There are nerves along the rib cage and my inflamed disc was doing a number on me.
I plan on making an appointment with the pain doctor for another injection or ablation. Then I know he will be sending me to the neck surgeon. The stinging over my upper body is getting out of control and I find it hard to find a poistion where I can sleep. I already have two cages in my neck, what a pain it is to get old.
Hi Has Anyone Experienced A Weakening Of Hand Strength? I Am 66 And Have Had Osteoporosis Since I Turned 60 . Any Tips Very Welcome 🤗
How Can I Manage My Pain Without Taking Oromorf As Well As Other Pain Killers?
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