Osteoporosis And Balance Issues
I’m 68 years old and was diagnosed with severe osteoporosis 4 years ago with four compression fractures in my spine. I’m willing to share my journey if anyone has any questions
In the meantime I’m wondering if anyone has experienced balance issues that causes them to fall. I have been to many doctors in an effort to treat the problem. They have all told me that the balance issues has nothing to do with my osteoporosis . I don’t believe that because I never had this before. I read something… read more
Im 59 and have balance issues last fall was 28 Dec 22 right shoulder took the brunt but no # have had many falls since I # my femur in 2015 and put it down to the steel work put in my leg by my surgeon my knee is restricted by the plate so that explains it all just got to get on with it
Thank you all for your input. I really appreciate you taking the time share your experiences with me
My balance is terrible I have severe osteoporosis. My walking has also gotten very poor takes me forever to get anywhere. Thank God I have a husband and believe me I hold onto him everywhere we go around home when I go outside I use a cane. I just started last week with a chiropractor. He knows my condition as she is at the hospital but I had all my work done including back surgery. He said he Has to use Extreme caution it’s not to break a bone but I’m going to try it twice a week for three weeks and see if it helps with my walking ability. Wishing you all well
Thank you so much for your input. I have some test coming up next week. We will see how that turns out.
God bless
I don’t know if osteoporosis causes balance issues but it makes sense to me because your posture changes some. I do have balance issues although I have managed not to fall. That could just be caused from my age. I am 74. If you could do some gentle yoga or stretching exercises that seems to help with balance.
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