How Have Others Fared On Evenity? My Specialist Is Just Starting Me On It.
From what my specialist explained it is still relatively new and may cause some serious side issues. I have not improved at all on Prolia, so now I am being started on the injections to see how I go with them.
How many members are taking Prolia and for how long? Have you had any side effects and have you seen any results of increased bone density. I have Ospeopenia and will soon be having another bone density test and not sure what the Dr. will prescribe. If possible, I would prefer not to take any medications for osteopenia.
Doris Myers
I just started Prolia. Can’t really give an opinion just yet, but I am extremely fatigued! I know I find it hard to do anything, don’t know if it’s the Prolia or possibly some of the supplements I’m taking. This morning I took nothing only my blood pressure pill. I’m gonna try that for about four days and see if anything changes
@A MyOsteoTeam Member which injections are you going to have? Is it the infusion? I have heard about the Infusion but I have been getting the Prolia injections every 6 months after my stomach had lots of pain from the Weekly tablets - Fosamax plus.;(Aledronic Acid). I am feeling well on the Prolia injections I am waiting to get a bone density test done this year some time before I am happy with the reaults.
I am feeling well today and I am recovering from Covid and it’s been a week since I tested negative again and I have enjoyed my long walk today to the Maroochdore Plaza shopping centre for some food and supplies before walking back home again around 3kilometres. I hope you’re feeling well today and enjoying your day
Hugs from Judyxx
Stay away from Prolia! That is what is causing your fatigue. My endochrinologist advised me to just stop all osteoporosis meds and just do the plant based supplements with calcium, Vitamin K and D3. That's my plan.
What Bone Growth Therapy Has Less Side Effects For Heart Patients And Thigh Fractures.
Has Anyone Used Algaecal To Help With Bone Density. I Don’t Want To Use The Side Effect Kind Tho Algae Cal Is Kinda Expensive Monthly
What Supplements Can I Take With My Osteoporosis?