Does Anyone Know Of A Rx Medication To Treat Osteoporosis That Doesn't Cause Fatigue?
Prolia causes fatigue in 45% of the people who take it. I want an Rx med that doesn't cause fatigue.
That is also my plan if I can stop Prolia and safely switch to just Primal Bone Health.
Fingers crossed.
I’ll try the primal bone health, thanks
I began natural bone builders about 2 weeks ago. I am doing this along with Prolia, which I will NOT repeat due
to the fatigue. I did buy the expensive AlgaeCal but next time I will switch to Primal Bone Health as it is ranked higher and is much less expensive. I read you story and Girl, you are to be admired. You go Girl!
I am using natural bone-builders, and there's no fatigue, only strength and better energy. I have fibromyalgia, so l don't need any more fatigue than l get with that, and even that has improved! My story won't fit here, but you are welcome to read it, and l hope it helps. All the best! 🙂💪🦴
Pain And Osteoporosis
What Type Of Doctor Do You Go To For Osteoporosis? (after Diagnosed)
I Was Under The Impression That Osteoporosis Did Not Cause Pain But That Seems Contrary To What I Have Been Reading On This Site.