Connections/links Between Osteoporosis, Biophosphonates, And Macular Degeneration?
There are some research articles on sites such as PubMed et al that address possible links between osteoporosis and macular degeneration, as well as the taking of biophosphonates for osteoporosis and macular degeneration. If one is currently taking biophosphonates for osteoporosis and develops macular degeneration, should one discontinue taking the osteoporosis medicine? I've been taking osteoporosis biophosphonates for 22 months and was just recently diagnosed with moderate dry macular… read more
Please learn about the effects of biophosphomates. I ended up with severe osteoporosis, a parathyroid tumor and kidney stones from them. Learn about vitamin K2. Let my mistakes help you. A good place to start is cardiologist Dr. Pradip Jamnadas.
Hi, i wouldn't take Fosamax with macular degeneration. Josie D.
Is There Any Connections Between Osteoporosis And Fibromyalgia
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