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Osteopenia And Phenytoun/Dilantin

A MyOsteoTeam Member asked a question 💭
Pittsburgh, PA

Earlier this week I was diagnosed with osteopenia in both my left hip and knee. I have read that phenytoin/Dilantin can cause osteoporosis. Have any of you had similar experience? What action(s) did you and your doctor take? Did you change your meds?

February 18, 2023
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A MyOsteoTeam Member

Dear Peggy, Hi. That is no more than 1500 mg calcium and half that of magnesium. The reason for that is if you have too much of either calcium and magnesium it will deposit on your organs and that could be serious. Also Adelle Davis in her book she says that liquid milk puts on bone more than anything within hours. Hope this helps.

March 1, 2023
A MyOsteoTeam Member

Dear Peggy, You are such a lovely person and my doctor who is on TV and radio all the time asked me what I was doing as she said never in the history of her practice has she ever seen someone once diagnosed with osteoporosis 20 years ago put on bone. She said they all go downhill. The best thing yet is two parts calcium and one part magnesium. It will surely put on bone but not more than 1500 mg a day and only 250 mg at any one time an hour apart. It works for sure. I was taking that at age 60 and an endroconologist said he never had seen a woman with such a strong heart and that I could run in marathon races my heart was so good and that is the magnesium as it is so good for the heart and a lot of cardiologists recommend magnesium. Calcium and magnesium work together. I was 60 at the time.

February 28, 2023
A MyOsteoTeam Member

Dear Peggy, I am glad to hear what you think. My husband and sister and others who took calcium alone developed a heart condition and if you want good reading on osteoporosis do get Adelle Davis books from amazon one called Let's Get Well and Let's Eat right to Keep Fit only $20 and under as she was the leading nutritionist in the states for years. She said also about liquid milk will put on bone within hours. but if you want a bone building drug which is good Prolia is the best wtih no side effects. I know several ladies on it with no problem. Without magnesiium you absorb no calcium at all from food or pills. I was diagnosed with severe osteoporosis in my 40s and now 72 and never took a bone building drug and am on three different prescription drugs that cause osteoporosis and phenobarb is the worst and yet I have no osteoporosis at all. My grandmother lived on bone broth and was run over by a speeding car at age 85 and never had a broken bone or fracture just a sore hip. I know a man who got out of his walker and over osteoporosis by eating plain yogurt for six months. Also kefir cuts down on fractures by 81%. Hope this helps as the doctors get less than 4 hours training in nutrition.

February 25, 2023
A MyOsteoTeam Member

hope you feel better soon xx

February 20, 2023
A MyOsteoTeam Member

@A MyOsteoTeam Member,
I wish doctors could get their acts together! One says no arthritis, the next one says I have arthritis. 🤔

April 10, 2023

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