Does Anyone Do Yoga For Osteoporosis? Just Read A Book By Dr. Loren Fishman About Yoga Being Very Beneficial.Actually Building Bones.
Hi Linda- I love yoga, and I was very strong when I was doing it regularly. Now, however, I am afraid to do it. I have-4.7 osteoporosis. My lower back and neck are particularly vulnerable. I have been told not to twist, bend over to touch my toes, and other things that many yoga poses require. If I could find an instructor who knew how to instruct people with osteoporosis, I would do it. Or if my doctor cleared me I would do it. It does build muscle. Keep us posted on what you discover! Thanks!
I have had osteroporsis for over 20 years now. I have a -3.9 Tscore. I have walked daily and done yoga for years. My understanding is it keeps you from falling by being more coordinated. Only meds can improve the bones.
Thanks for your advice
Diagnosed With Osteoporosis
What Type Of Doctor Do You Go To For Osteoporosis? (after Diagnosed)
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