Which Is The Best Kind Of Vitamin D To Take?
Hi Jean
I've just learned from the 'Bone Coach' Kevin Ellis that eating the right foods will help the bones from deteriorating just as much or more than drugs.The foods you eat will help to retain and absorb the vitamins you need to keep your bones strong. Exercise helps also. I'm thinking of asking my doctor to stop taking the fosamax I'm now on because of the side effects they have on the liver. I do have cirrhosis of the liver
caused by arthritis etc., not by the ounce of wine I drink at Christmas!! haha
Hope you are doing well Jean. If you want to know more about the Bone Coach, just Google it. Have a great day!🥰 My African Violets are in bloom right now.
I've been told Vitamin D3
Oh, beautiful flowers. Thanks for the info..very helpful.Jean Saulnier-Blades
Cal-Mag-Zinc twice daily, Vit. K, D, C - eat salmon frequently, Swiss cheese. No diet pop or artificial sweeteners. Keep moving and morning stretches.
I take bone maximum III
Calcium And Vitamin D
Looking For Physician
Do I Need To Take K2 Supplement Seperate From Calcium And D?